
Bristol Trade Union Forum has been created as a grassroots one-stop resource for local labour movement activists and campaigners. It aims to provide contact information for local campaigns and trade unions, and publicise relevant news items and events. Select a section to browse by clicking on one of the links above the banner photo.

Links to other local and national websites are listed over to the right – you’ll need to scroll down to see all of them.

If you think this is a useful website please support it by emailing details of your union or campaign, or information about local industrial disputes and events. You can get in touch by emailing bristolforum@hotmail.com.

The Forum is an independent initiative and is not the property of any political party, group or trade union. Any labour movement organisation or campaigning activist is welcome to post information on it. The only ‘editorial’ criterion is that posts should be informational (contact details, event listing, news item or report) and fit into the broad spectrum of local labour movement/trade union/progressive activity.


Photo © Simon Chapman.